
How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024

One of the most significant campaign developments hasn't occurred at all, even as President Biden approaches the official announcement of his 2024 reelection bid: there has never been a strong primary rival. Despite concerns about his age — at 80, he is already the oldest American president in history — and the enduring reservations that a significant portion of the party's voters have about the president, Mr. Biden has all but eliminated the competition. According to numerous polls, Democrats want a new face in 2024, but they're not sure who that might be.


中国除了长城,还有别的吗?当然,中国的美景数不胜数!   中国的人工景点几乎早已家喻户晓:北京的紫禁城,西安的秦始皇陵兵马俑和上海的摩天大厦。实际上,作为世界上幅员辽阔,地域特征丰富多变的大国,中国拥有许多无与伦比的美丽景观。遗憾的是,对于外国人而言,这些景观依然鲜为人知。   仅仅40个景点可能囊括中国全部的绝美景观吗?不一定。可惜相机存储卡已经不堪重负了。诚如照片所示,假如你有幸游览其中任何一个景点,都会忍不住猛按快门。   文中各景区按字母排序。   你游走中国时曾和这些绝美的风景不期而遇吗?让我们一起看看吧:这是哪儿?这儿有多美?   1、安徽宏村   世世代代艺术家们钟情之处   拥有900年古老历史的宏村一直以来就吸引着中国四面八方的游客,他们钟情于这里静谧安详的氛围和造型独特的建筑——就连背后惹眼的黄山也未能使其魅力减少一丝一毫。   几十年来,宏村那古色古香的建筑,澄澈透明的月亮湖以及周围美丽如画的风景一直是艺术家们的灵感源泉。   漫步于狭窄的青石板小道,眺望远处稻田里辛勤劳作的农民,身畔的湖水里倒映着古屋的倩影:这一切都让你忍不住想要妙手绘丹青。   门票:104元(16美元)/人 。   宏村位于黄山市西北约70km处。北京,上海,广州和西安等都有直达黄山机场的航班。

ACG Festiverse

  ACG Festiverse proudly announces our ACG Event will be happening on 23rd and 24th July 2022 in Cheras Sentral Mall.. Yes, we booked the  whole basement level ONLY for con-goers! Highlights: - Coswalk Competition - Cosplay Skits Competition - Genshin Impact Coswalk Competition - Singing Competition - Invited Guest Appearances - Stage Performances - Artist & Cosplay Alley - Carnival Games - Doujin Booth & Exhibitors - etc.... Mark your dates! Stay tuned for more details! Any enquiries : Email : acgfestiverse@g mail.com Contact : +60169694691 (Frankie Ng)


  When Yulia`s body is found hung, everyone assumed that she has committed suicide. After all, she is the mistress of the director and owner of a batik company, Pak Indra. But things are not simple and clear, when there are horror and terror lurking beneath.

Wong Mei Kee Roast Pork

 Wang Meiji is a 30-year-old roast meat restaurant, which has top and delicious roast meat! The reason why their roast pork is so popular is because it is really delicious, the roast pork is crispy, the meat is moderately fat and thin, and with the fragrant lard, when you bite it, the aroma of the roast pork bursts in your mouth instantly! Almost everyone here is full of friends, so remember to be early if you to eat!

Vegetable prices are getting more and more expensive, RM5 is no longer enough to eat economical meals

 According to residents, the price of vegetables in Miri has skyrocketed recently, and ordinary green vegetables cost more than RM10 per serving. As a result, many people temporarily stopped eating local dishes and switched to other dishes. Citizens said that in the past, the price of vegetables was expensive because of weather problems, such as the rainy or dry season, but now the price of vegetables is so expensive when the weather is good, and if the weather is bad, it will be even more expensive. Citizens said that hawkers told consumers that because farmers faced various difficulties, such as rising prices of fertilizers and pesticides, and there was no labor for farming, the cost increased. It is understood that local vegetable farmers, especially large vegetable gardens, rely on foreign workers to work. However, due to the lack of labor due to the inability to introduce foreign workers, local people must work, which increases the cost. Citizens said that due to the rising pr...

The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

 Has your CPF withdrawal application been approved? Some netizens' applications have been approved! The Employees Provident Fund Board (KWSP) will be open for members to apply for withdrawal from provident fund accounts from April 1, and KWSP will be open for members to check the application results from April 9. However, many people's application status was PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DITERIMA before. According to the feedback of netizens, some members' withdrawal applications have changed from PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DITERIMA to PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DILULUSKAN, that is, the application has been approved. The system will also show when you will receive the withdrawal money you applied for. The feedback from most netizens is that the money will be received on April 21. To know your CPF withdrawal status, you can visit https://pengeluarankhas.kwsp.gov.my/ and select SEMAK STATUS PERMOHONAN. Members can click SEMAK STATUS after entering their ID number and mobile phone number. If th...


The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

dream lover

death won't let you die