How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024

One of the most significant campaign developments hasn't occurred at all, even as President Biden approaches the official announcement of his 2024 reelection bid: there has never been a strong primary rival. Despite concerns about his age — at 80, he is already the oldest American president in history — and the enduring reservations that a significant portion of the party's voters have about the president, Mr. Biden has all but eliminated the competition. According to numerous polls, Democrats want a new face in 2024, but they're not sure who that might be.

姆禄山国家公园, 美里


姆禄山国家公园, 美里 (Gunung Mulu National Park, Miri)





  • 尖峰石阵(The Pinnacles) – 就像一把弯弯的刀子直插在地球上,有机会必定要来这宏伟的石灰岩地层哦!
  • 鹿洞(Deer Cave) – 这是世界上第二大的洞窟通道,里头栖息着无数的蝙蝠。
  • 姆禄天篷走道(Mulu Canopy Skywalk) –
  • 这条长达480米的天篷走道由茂密的丛林覆盖着,四处备有观景台让您欣赏美景。
  • 清水洞(Clearwater cave) – 登上200阶楼梯直达亚洲最长的洞穴。您可以看到非比寻常的地下河。



The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

dream lover

death won't let you die