
目前显示的是 四月, 2022的博文

How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024

One of the most significant campaign developments hasn't occurred at all, even as President Biden approaches the official announcement of his 2024 reelection bid: there has never been a strong primary rival. Despite concerns about his age — at 80, he is already the oldest American president in history — and the enduring reservations that a significant portion of the party's voters have about the president, Mr. Biden has all but eliminated the competition. According to numerous polls, Democrats want a new face in 2024, but they're not sure who that might be.

Vegetable prices are getting more and more expensive, RM5 is no longer enough to eat economical meals

 According to residents, the price of vegetables in Miri has skyrocketed recently, and ordinary green vegetables cost more than RM10 per serving. As a result, many people temporarily stopped eating local dishes and switched to other dishes. Citizens said that in the past, the price of vegetables was expensive because of weather problems, such as the rainy or dry season, but now the price of vegetables is so expensive when the weather is good, and if the weather is bad, it will be even more expensive. Citizens said that hawkers told consumers that because farmers faced various difficulties, such as rising prices of fertilizers and pesticides, and there was no labor for farming, the cost increased. It is understood that local vegetable farmers, especially large vegetable gardens, rely on foreign workers to work. However, due to the lack of labor due to the inability to introduce foreign workers, local people must work, which increases the cost. Citizens said that due to the rising prices

The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

 Has your CPF withdrawal application been approved? Some netizens' applications have been approved! The Employees Provident Fund Board (KWSP) will be open for members to apply for withdrawal from provident fund accounts from April 1, and KWSP will be open for members to check the application results from April 9. However, many people's application status was PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DITERIMA before. According to the feedback of netizens, some members' withdrawal applications have changed from PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DITERIMA to PERMOHONAN ANDA TELAH DILULUSKAN, that is, the application has been approved. The system will also show when you will receive the withdrawal money you applied for. The feedback from most netizens is that the money will be received on April 21. To know your CPF withdrawal status, you can visit https://pengeluarankhas.kwsp.gov.my/ and select SEMAK STATUS PERMOHONAN. Members can click SEMAK STATUS after entering their ID number and mobile phone number. If th

dream lover

 Ning has always dreamed of the same dream recently. In the dream, a man said to her: "You come, come to me, I'll wait for you..." Finally, Ning couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked him, : "Who are you? How can I find you?" The man said: "Find me on the platform at the entrance of xx park at 12 noon tomorrow, I have a mole here." The man pointed his finger at his chin. Waking up, Ning hurriedly found her friend and told her everything. The friend agreed to accompany her there. At 11:55 noon, the two waited at the agreed place, but no man came. The weather was hot, Ning said to her friend: "It's too hot, I'm going to buy two ice creams on the opposite side, wait for me here." After Ning finished speaking, he went across the street. At this moment, a car rushed over and screamed... My friend ran over to see Ning, He had fallen in a pool of blood. When he opened the car door to take Ning to the hospital, he found out that it was a h

No one robbed me

 There is a boy who wants to take the bus home at night, but because it is too late when he arrives at the stop sign and waits, he is not sure if there is any bus. He doesn't want to walk. Because his home is far and remote, he has no choice but to Waiting for the last bus.... wait, wait.... just when he thought that there should be no bus, suddenly saw a bus appear in the distance... he was very excited to stop the bus. As soon as he got on the bus He found that the last train was very strange. It stands to reason that the last train should not have many people, because the route is remote, but this car was full... There was only one vacant seat, and there was no one in the car talking. ... He felt a little weird, but he still walked to the only vacant seat and sat down. There was a woman sitting next to the vacant seat. As soon as he sat down, the woman whispered to him: "You shouldn't sit. This bus," he felt very surprised, the woman continued: "This bus is no

death won't let you die

 Death will not let you die. There is a pair of high school male and female classmates in Beijing. They are very good friends and study very well. They help each other in study and life and make progress together. Later, the boys went to a university in Nanjing, and the girls went to a university in Beijing. They connect with each other and establish a romantic relationship. They made an appointment to return to their beautiful hometown to work, get married and have children after graduating from university. But time can change a person too much, and the girls in Beijing can't stand the temptation, in order to be able to stay in Beijing. She met a boss much older than herself, and decided to stay in Beijing and be a Beijinger. Boyfriend found out. Sad all the way to Beijing to ask a girl to talk. But the girl is heartless. If you want to break up with a boy, En Duan Yi Jue. The boy was instantly angry and impulsive. Pick up a fruit knife and cut your own wrist. Not only did the gir


 He and her were childhood sweethearts and thought they could watch the sunset hand in hand. At the age of 35, she had lung cancer. Holding the medical certificate, I laughed and cried. I don't smoke, I don't have any bad habits, how can I get lung cancer? When she came to his office, she saw a bag of her favorite dried fruits on his desk, next to a medicine bottle, which was shocking. She was crying, red. Three days later, she cried and lit birthday candles for him when he was not there. She lit 34 long candles and one short candle, and said with a low smile: You are so skinny, you are not enough for 35 candles. The story scared the kitten. I read it first, and felt that I didn't say anything. I read it again, and I understood, and there was a chill behind me. It's a bit difficult to understand, do you understand?

Mirror in the mortuary

 There is a medical school, in order to educate quality students. It is stipulated that during the final exam of each semester, a student should be left alone in the mortuary for one night. Although this kind of exam seems inhumane, the school has always insisted down. This time, it's Ami's turn, who has always claimed to be daring. Ami has always called herself bold in school, and is a ghost story writer on many forums such as Maopu, who takes pleasure in scaring netizens to death. She has long said not to This kind of exam is serious, but when the school announced that it was her turn today, she broke out in a cold sweat. It must be alone in a dark morgue for a night. No lights are allowed... At night, Ami was taken to the mortuary, and the door was slammed shut. The room was pitch black, and nothing could be seen. Ami huddled in a corner of the room, when she thought that all around were dead people, she Suddenly, the scalp tingled... After a while, the moonlight came in, an

red clothes

 This story was contributed by a friend in Maopu's ghost story, telling the story of his school dormitory: Our school is a foreign language school, and sometimes a woman in red often comes to the door late at night to sell, and I don’t know how she escaped the downstairs inspection. Every night, they come every night, knocking from room to room, if someone opens the door I asked: 'Do you want red clothes?' Because the girls were very angry after being quarreled, they all shouted no, for several nights in a row. One night, the woman came again. Boom! Boom! The door opened at this time. , a girl rushed out of it and yelled at her, "What red clothes? I want all of them. How much?" The woman smiled and turned away without giving her any red clothes. Everyone slept well that night, and no one knocked on the door again. The next day, everyone in the dormitory got up, except for the red one. The girl who was yelling at the woman in clothes hadn't gotten up yet, her c


 My friend came to Canada from the Philippines to study. When I was studying in Canada, I shared a small house with my mother. My friend's desk was placed in the corner of the room, and there was a window next to it. My friend was a very hard worker, but after moving into the house Soon, whenever he was sitting at the desk and concentrating on studying, he felt something tap against his neck all the time. At first he thought it was because he was nervous, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but over time, this feeling persisted. Existence, as long as he sat at the desk, he kept feeling something lightly touching his neck, but as soon as he left the desk, this feeling disappeared. So he told his mother about this situation, he The mother found a fortune teller and asked the fortune teller to tell him that there are many things that can't be seen by the naked eye that can be captured by the camera, so he asked him to take a picture next time he feels this way, maybe it can

toilet paper for women toilet

 This is also the story of the girls' dormitory, A girl went to the toilet at night. Because it was too late at night, she went to the toilet alone, and she was very scared. But because of what she ate at night, her stomach was very uncomfortable, and she couldn't bear it, so she had to go in fear. The toilet was an old toilet that had just been established at the school. Not long after the girl squatted down, a pair of pale hands stretched out behind her. She was startled and saw two pieces of paper on the hand. One is white and the other is yellow. A scary voice said: "choose one, white or yellow" The girl was very scared and asked "who are you?" "white or yellow" "why choose"" Choose one." The girl had no choice but to choose a white one. The voice laughed: "White for three days and yellow for seven days. Then it disappeared." The girl opened the door, but there was nothing outside. She was frightened. Broken/busy w

Tianhe (Hezhen mythology)

 Once upon a time, there was a family, only the mother led a boy to live, the boy named Ushahat (meaning: star). One day, the mother couldn't get up to sit on the kang, and the son invited a shaman (shaman) to exorcise her and cure her disease. After the shaman finished reading the disease, he told Ushahat, "This disease is really serious! Only one medicine can cure your mother's disease, and I'm afraid you won't be able to get it." Ushahat knelt on the ground He continued to kowtow to the shaman, and pleaded: "Tell me, I will dare to go to the sky or the ground!" Seeing his sincerity, the shaman said, "I know you are the top of the Hezhe people. Filial child, let me tell you a recipe: as long as you can catch a fish from the sky and feed it to your mother, the disease will be cured; if you can't catch it, you have to wait for her to die. Shahat opened his eyes wide and asked the shaman, "Then how do we get to the sky?" The shaman

Wonder woman

  “Moon Knight” director Mohamed Diab originally pitched the Disney+ series to focus heavily on Egypt. Why? Because to him, the nation and culture have been “inauthentically portrayed throughout Hollywood’s history,” as Diab told SFX Magazine. The most recent example of such “orientalism,” as Diab pointed out, was seen in Patty Jenkins’ “Wonder Woman 1984,” which featured depictions deemed by some as stereotypes in a sequence supposedly set in Egypt. “You never see Cairo. You always see Jordan shot for Cairo, Morocco shot for Cairo, sometimes Spain shot for Cairo. This really angers us,” Diab said. “I remember seeing ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ and there was a big sequence in Egypt and it was a disgrace for us. You had a sheik — that doesn’t make any sense to us. Egypt looked like a country from the Middle Ages. It looked like the desert.” Diab directs four of the six episodes for Disney+’s comic book adaptation of Marvel series “Moon Knight,” starring Oscar Isaac in the titular role as a merc


The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

dream lover

death won't let you die