How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024

One of the most significant campaign developments hasn't occurred at all, even as President Biden approaches the official announcement of his 2024 reelection bid: there has never been a strong primary rival. Despite concerns about his age — at 80, he is already the oldest American president in history — and the enduring reservations that a significant portion of the party's voters have about the president, Mr. Biden has all but eliminated the competition. According to numerous polls, Democrats want a new face in 2024, but they're not sure who that might be.

Tianhe (Hezhen mythology)

 Once upon a time, there was a family, only the mother led a boy to live, the boy named Ushahat (meaning: star). One day, the mother couldn't get up to sit on the kang, and the son invited a shaman (shaman) to exorcise her and cure her disease. After the shaman finished reading the disease, he told Ushahat, "This disease is really serious! Only one medicine can cure your mother's disease, and I'm afraid you won't be able to get it." Ushahat knelt on the ground He continued to kowtow to the shaman, and pleaded: "Tell me, I will dare to go to the sky or the ground!" Seeing his sincerity, the shaman said, "I know you are the top of the Hezhe people. Filial child, let me tell you a recipe: as long as you can catch a fish from the sky and feed it to your mother, the disease will be cured; if you can't catch it, you have to wait for her to die. Shahat opened his eyes wide and asked the shaman, "Then how do we get to the sky?" The shaman knew that Ushahat's heart was as straight as a Yemu pole and as hot as fire, so he hurriedly said to him: " You get on the fast horse (light and simple fishing boat), close your eyes, and I will breathe lightly, and I will send you to the sky!" Ushahat was eager to save his mother, so he picked up the harpoon numbly. Get on the fast horse and close your eyes tightly. At this time, I felt that someone sighed in the ear, and then a gust of wind blew up and sent Ushahat to the sky.

After about a meal, the wind stopped. Ushahat opened his eyes and saw that Kuimazi took him to the edge of the Tianhe long ago. A white-bearded grandfather stood on the Tianheyan, narrowed his eyes and asked him, "Ushahat, what the hell are you doing here?" It's weird, how could the white-bearded grandpa know my name? Ushahat hurriedly replied, "Grandpa, my mother is sick to death. Only by tasting the fish in the sky can you be cured. I came here specially to catch fish!" Lao Ma nodded and hurriedly showed him the way. : "What a kindhearted man! You are rowing north, not far away, there is a small river branch, that game is full of fish, take more and take less as you please."

After listening, Ushahat didn't stop on his feet. He rode a fast horse, three strokes or two strokes, and rushed to the small river branch. I saw that there was no water flow in the Tianhe River, the water surface was smooth and stable, covered with a layer of wavy blue fish spine. He raised the harpoon, swung it sharply towards the river, then grabbed the fork rope, and then jumped up on a big carp with golden wings and golden scales, turning lips and bulging gills. He put the leather pockets on the big lively fish, and without catching too much, put the pockets on and walked back. When he came to the riverside, the grandfather asked him if he had hit the fish, and he happily replied, "I'm holding it! Thanks for the old man's advice, the fork is quite big!" Ushahat was worried. It's not easy going up, but it's even harder going down, but how do you go back? He was in trouble when Grandpa Whitebeard said, "Close your eyes, Grandpa will take you home!" Really, as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that someone was blowing wind to him, and the wind whimpered, The more he scratched, the faster the horses swayed up and down. As soon as the wind stopped, I heard a "Batt" and my feet fell to the ground. I opened my eyes and looked, but no, I really went back to my cellar. Carrying a fish in one hand, a fork in the other, three feet and two steps, he broke into the house and shouted: "Mom!, eat the big carp caught by Tianhe!" The scales were cut, and the fish was cut, washed and washed, and the fish was stewed in a pot. Not much effort, the fish is rotten and the meat is fragrant, and the mother eats the fish cleanly, and the disease is also very good. In a flash, just a year later, my mother's old illness relapsed. She was so sick that her mother passed away before Ushahat was allowed to go to the Tianhe to catch fish. After Ushahat finished burying the old man, he squatted in the cellar alone and was worried. He felt: Seeing the sky, he would always roll the boat and cast the net in the river. It would be great if we could go back to the Tianhe River. A small river branch is like an endless fish hoard! Why don't you go fishing in the Tianhe River and have a good time.

On this day, Ushahat managed himself neatly, carrying a harpoon, and went to the shaman, begging him to send him to the sky. Seeing his sincerity, the shaman agreed, and then, in one breath, blew him to the riverside. The white-bearded grandfather, who seemed to have been waiting there for a long time, complained to him when he met him: "But I've been waiting for a long time! I've been waiting for you for a long time, so that I can take charge of Tianhe for me. This time, I finally came!" He After he finished speaking, he sent Ushahat to guard the boundless Tianhe. As for the old man himself, he went back to Xianshan to retire.

Now, the few bright stars that can be seen when looking up, lined up with pointed heads and big belly, is the little fast horse that Ushahat is sitting on. The little star next to it is the wooden paddle for rowing. The brightest star is Ushahat who guards the Tianhe River.



The status of KWSP withdrawal application has been gradually updated, and the application of some members has been DILULUSKAN

dream lover

death won't let you die